Sunday 24 August 2014


thought of you

Wednesday 30 June 2010

some inspiration for my new portfolio
looks like right now i am into: neutral colors, serif fonts, centering, no full bleed images, strong grids, and tight spaces. i'm going to keep this in mind.
p.s. why do candles have the best graphics?

Monday 10 May 2010

i just love these givenchy ads. some of the models are transgender. they are beautiful.

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Malvina Reynolds

Malvina Reynolds enjoying ice creamI spent the day with Gigi and Flynn, and Gigi wouldn't stop singing "Little Boxes" by Malvina Reynolds.

Malvina Reynolds playing guitarI love this video of her, Jack Elliott, and Pete Seeger. It reminds me of my parents and growing up in Minneapolis.

Thursday 4 March 2010

The Perennial Plate

I have no pictures to put up, and I can't figure out how to put up a video. The website is much more exciting. Also check out this website,

Hi, my name is Daniel Klein. I'm a chef, a filmmaker and an activist.... and I'm making a documentary series about sustainable and adventurous food in Minnesota. Imagine if Michael Pollan, that guy from Man vs. Wild, and Mario Batalli teamed up to make a show -- they would create something like The Perennial Plate.

The episodes follow the culinary, agricultural and hunting explorations that I embark on weekly. Taking place over a calendar year in Minnesota, as well as the surrounding food source destinations, this show takes the viewer on a journey to appreciate and understand where good food comes from and how to enjoy it.

What we eat is becoming more and more important and The Perennial Plate offers a free and entertaining source of alternatives to the factory farm.

There is currently a trailer online and I have several episodes waiting to air. Because the videos are free, I could use your help.

So donate or not, but please make sure to watch the videos, spread the word and eat well!


ps - you can also check out my last documentary film at

Project location: Minneapolis, MN

reorganizing the apartment

so satisfying. that's my friend meg on the couch. i am going to look for a new lamp after work.

Wednesday 24 February 2010

Risto Fall 2010 Runway

These stripes are so much better than the Acne spring.

Saturday 20 February 2010


I love these pictures of you. You look so beautiful and healthy! It brings me back to Paris!

Wednesday 17 February 2010

it's my dad! and my great grandmother. she didn't really speak any english, can you believe that? this is in ohio at my grandparent's house. my grandpa basically built the whole house himself. he had a construction business with his brother-in-law and my grandma did all of the accounting.

Friday 12 February 2010


that video reminds me of this terence koh show i saw in la when i was there a few summers ago. i didn't have a car so i was just walking everywhere and taking the subway and i remember it took me 3 hours to walk to the gallery so seeing this show was the only thing i did the entire day. the basement was filled with corn starch. i was the only person there and i just remember how squeaky the corn starch was.

gonzalez is the piano player

Thursday 11 February 2010

Les Fleurs


Have you been here? Flowers might be the most beautiful, unbelievable things on earth. I love how they have like a branch of clementines, lemons, currants, and other berries in their bouquets.

Wednesday 10 February 2010


so i was looking at the internet this morning while i ate my breakfast and i started somehow reading about this sailboat made of plastic bottles that is traveling south from sf to who knows where. remember when we were at that show when i was in mpls and we saw tommy dixon and he told us he was building a boat made of plastic bottles? maybe he just told me this. anyways, here is a picture of tommy dixon on his plastic bottle boat, sailing.


the plastiki expedition